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The ABC's of Skin Care

With everything that life brings us, taking care of our skin can be the last thing on our minds! However, just like we make conscious decisions to brush our teeth every morning, fix our hair and pick out our clothes, we should also make the conscious decision to take care of our skin! (Trust me, the 60 year old you will appreciate it) Having a good skincare routine does not have to be a four hour process! Tailor your skin care regiment by following these 3 super basic steps:

1. Cleanse and Exfoliate-

Be sure to find the right cleanser for your skin type and do your best to cleanse twice a day (morning and evening). Exfoliating renews skin much quicker and leaves skin glowing but should be done no more than 2-3 times weekly. Use an exfoliator which includes a chemical (alpha or beta hydroxy) exfoliant to remove dead skin, or beads for a more gentler exfoliation.

2. Tone-

Toning helps to seal pores after cleansing and helps to reduce loss of moisture!

3. Moisturize-

No matter what skin type, moisturizing after every cleanse is so important. Even if you have predominately oily skin that does not mean your skin is hydrated!!! Different factors in our day take moisture out of our skin, so be sure to put that moister back in!

Properly caring for your skin may take a few extra minutes each day, but the benefits far outweigh the amount of time you invest. By following these three basic steps of skincare, you will start to see drastic in the look and feel of your skin. A great skincare regimen is the best way to fight signs of aging, lessen breakouts and discoloration. You will reap the benefits for years to come!

If you would like add a little pampering to your skin care routine, schedule a 30 minute or hour long facial with The Beauty Bar. Enjoy steamed towels, relaxing music and a massage while you're here!

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